I felt it was very important to address the things about the book, "The Secret" that I was uncomfortable with, before I continue to tout it's praises.
The first thing it delves into is that you can obtain anything you want in this world just by thinking it into existence. They compare it to having a Genie in a bottle, only instead of only 3 wishes, you get all the wishes you want. They also compare it to a "catalog of the universe", that as you look through that catalog and visualize the things that you want that they will materialize. They say you can have the house of your dreams, the car of your dreams, the income of your dreams, the vacation of your dreams....and so on, just by using the Law of Attraction.
While some of their points are good and seem logical, and while they still point to the "universe" for obtaining these things, which, in essence, is really God, the part they leave out, which I know from the truth of the gospel, from an LDS perspective, is that sometimes, no matter how much we may want something, or no matter even if it's the most righteous desire, God still chooses what to give whom and when. It ultimately lies in His power, and not just in our thoughts. From the Book of Mormon, one of the most important lessons we are taught is about the pride cycle. The people would be righteous. The Lord would bless and prosper them. They got caught up in their wealth and material possessions, waxed prideful and forgot God. God would then have to stir them up in remembrance of Him, usually with deprivations, famines, wars, natural disasters and suffering. They'd humble themselves, repent, grow prosperous--and the cycle would repeat itself over and over.
I know that God does want to give us the wealth of the earth, and that he has provided an abundance for all--but He wants us to have it only as we use it in righteousness and to do good, and as we remember God and keep His commandments. And as we also use it to help the poor and the needy. God knows us personally. He knows our circumstances. He knows the end from the beginning. He knows what we really need in this life, and He knows that most importantly we need the tests of mortality to help us choose Him, and to choose good over evil. Wealth could stand as an impediment to our spiritual growth--but only God knows this.
On the other hand, the scriptures indicate that God has prepared the earth, "For the earth is full, and there is enough and to spare; yea, I prepared all things, and have given unto the children of men to be agents unto themselves." (D&C 104:17)
"All these things which come of the earth, in the season thereof, are made for the benefit and the use of man, both to please the eye and to gladden the heart...it pleaseth God that He hath given all these things...for unto this end were they made to be used, with judgment, not to excess...to strengthen the body and to enliven the soul...with thanksgiving, with cheerful hearts and countenances." (D&C 59:18, 20, 19, 15)
"The Secret" says that there is a lie going around. This is true. It's one of Satan's lies that say that there is a limit to what the earth has, that things are going to run out, that we have to hoard what we can get while we can get it. It stirs people up to fear, greed and dishonesty. TS says, "Nothing is limited--not resources or anything else. The only limitations are in the mind." Well said! It talks about the things around us as being a spiritual substance. The Lord teaches us that all things temporal were spiritual before they were temporal. TS says, "The spiritual substance from which comes all visible wealth is never depleted. It is right with you all the time and responds to your faith in it and your demands on it." It kind of reminds me of paying our tithing. "Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it." (Malachi 3:10)
Another part of "The Secret" that I agree with is "money is only a part of wealth...happy relationships and spirituality and health and basically happiness...life is meant to be abundant in all areas." Also, "Wealth is spiritual...you are heir to the kingdom. Prosperity is your birthright and you hold the key to more abundance--in every area of your life--than you can possibly imagine. You (and I will add, everyone) deserve every good thing--the key is your thoughts and feelings." However, they also add this, "Having 'outer things' does not guarantee what we really want, which is happiness...you need to go for the inner joy, the inner peace, the inner vision first, then all of the outer things appear...It's an inside job! Set your thoughts and frequency on happiness. Radiate the feelings of happiness and joy within you and transmit that into the universe with all your might and you will experience true heaven on earth."
"The Secret" confirms, as would God, that there are certain requirements or conditions that have to be met before we could acquire the true wealth of life, which really boils down to love--for God, ourselves and others (yes, sometimes it's hardest to love ourselves because it is difficult to be in this imperfect mortal tabernacle!)...having love brings all of the gospel principles into play--joy, gratitude, peace, hope, humility, meekness, kindness, charity, patience, honestly, service...the list goes on!
To prosper, in the dictionary, is to "do well." In other words, we do good. With good comes well-being. A state of never-ending happiness and joy and love and peace. In Helaman 12:1 it says, "Do good--for they that do good shall have everlasting life." and in 2 Nephi 5:11 Nephi says, "And the Lord was with us and we did prosper exceedingly." The key there being that the Lord was with them, and why was He with them? Because they lived righteously and did good in the sight of God.
"The Secret" has lists of things to do to acquire "true wealth." Many I will expound on in other posts. But one I'd like to mention in this post, because it's important, is GIVING. TS says, "Giving brings more money and more abundance into your life...especially as you truly give from the heart--not what feels like a sacrifice. The wealthiest people on the planet are the greatest philanthropists. (I had to look that word up...it means the practice of doing good to people, the love of humanity.) They give away vast amounts of money and money floods back to them multiplied. When you think you don't have enough to give--start giving. Giving from a heart that is overflowing feels so good." Who could argue with that concept?!!
Alma 41:15 "For that which ye do send out shall return unto you again, and be restored; therefore, the word restoration more fully condemneth the sinner, and justifieth him not at all." This applies to all things and not just wealth--our kindness, our charity, our smile, our laughter, our joy, our light---just like the boomerang effect. You send it out, and it comes back to you, only bigger and better!
Acts 20:35 "I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive."
President Gordon B. Hinckley said, 'Those who impart of their sustenance to the needy so generously will not lack in their own store and in their own homes, but there will be food on their tables and a roof over their heads. One cannot be merciful to others without receiving a harvest of mercy in return."
"True greatness is measured by one's ability to give...without giving there can be no progress, either for individuals or for societies." -Larry Barkdull
All good things, including positive thoughts and actions come from God. You can't feel good and not do good. You can't feel good and not radiate love and joy to those around you. You can't feel good and not want to reach out and help others.
On the other hand, all bad things, including negative thoughts and actions come from Satan, the father and author of all lies. Every bad thing we think about ourselves comes from him. All the contention and mean-spirited people and selfishness and fear and every other negative thing comes from him. How long will you walk under the cover of his darkness and lies before you step out into the light? Maybe just changing one negative thought to a positive one can be the beginning of a whole new You and a whole new world...one that You create, one thought at a time!
Happiness really is an inside job!!
What I have felt strongly about the LOA ever since I first heard of it, is that if everyone lived by the concepts in this book (doesn't matter if you're LDS or Christian, or believe in God or just a great power in the Universe) there would be no poor among us, no divisions, no dishonesty, no contentions, no hate, no ingratitude, no wars, no sorrow---it would literally bind Satan and take us right into the Millennium!
Friday, November 6, 2009
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