Be not afraid, only believe. Matthew 5:36

Friday, November 6, 2009


Forgiveness is a huge part of living the Law of Attraction.  Simply put, Forgiveness Heals. 

LOA:  If you go back over your life and focus on the difficulties from the past, you are just bringing more difficult circumstances to You now.  Let it all go, no matter what it is. Do it for you.  If you hold a grudge or blame someone for something in the past, you are only harming You.  You are the only one who can create the life you deserve.  As you deliberately focus on what you want, as you begin to radiate good feelings, the law of attraction will respond.  All you have to do is make a start, and as you do, you will unleash the magic.

C.S. Lewis said, "Not forgiving makes the worst in us worst."

Forgiveness in our hearts invites love/charity...and remember, LOVE is the greatest force in the world, even in the universe, and power in the Law of Attraction....it is literally the Law of Love.

"If we carry past wrongs chained to our minds and spirits we, like Marley's ghost, cannot be free or happy.  We have not truly forgiven until we truly forget.  Believe that the Lord will make everything right and fair when we all come to the bar.  Perfect love castesth out all fear, hate, envy, pain.  True love lets others grow beyond the past and remembers it no more."  -Jaroldeen Edwards

I was listening to Elder Neil L. Anderson's talk last night "Repent...That I May Heal You."  It is so fitting to all of these thoughts and feelings and things I am learning.  He talked about how sometimes we can never forget the things that we do wrong, even when we repent.  Then comes the need to forgive ourselves.  He said sometimes the Lord lets us keep those things as a reminder to never go back and repeat those same mistakes again.  But if we can truly forget the mistakes of ourselves and others, how blessed are we? 

I had an experience years ago where some harsh words were given, because a circumstance was understandably misjudged.  A friend with me said, "Just forget about it."  I didn't at the time, and made matters worse by expressing my views on the matter to the "offender"....then I ended up suffering worse for a longer amount of time, wishing I had not said what I did.  Wishing so bad I had just taken the advise to just forget it.  I've never forgotten that experience.

Forgive and forget quickly and save yourself a whole lot of heartache and suffering.  Drop it like a hot poker!

"Unforgiveness leads to increased suffering..it is lethal.  It lodges in our minds, hearts, cells, and souls and wreaks havoc, causing more mental, emotional, physical and spiritual pain and agony than even the initial sin brought about.  We must forgive in our hearts (that's deepness), even a change of heart.  It's not easy, it won't happen overnight, but it's possible.  The Lord has commanded us, and He will make a way."  -Wendy Watson Neilsen

"Anything we can change, we should change, and we must forgive all the rest."  -Jeffery R. Holland
Joseph Smith said, "If you would have God have mercy on you, have mercy on one another."

Forgiveness allows us to be set free from the endless cycle of pain, anger, and recrimination (mutual blame with respect to the other) that keeps us imprisoned in our own suffering.

"He who will not forgive others breaks down the bridge over which he, too, must cross."  -Spencer W. Kimball

"Just an expression of the desire to forgive is of the very substance of repentance.  It may not be easy and it may not come quickly.  But when it is sought with sincerity and cultivated it will come.  The willingness to forgive is a sign of spiritual and emotional maturity.  "  -Gordon B. Hinckley

"Look not sorrowfully into the past, it comes not back again.  Wisely improve the present, it is thine."  -Ann Madson

The Lord told us to forgive even seven times seventy.  (D&C 98: 39-45)  In Hebrew, the word seven is symbolic for complete, finished, perfect.  God knew how important, in this mortal life, it would be to forgive and to do it often.  Repentance and forgiveness go hand in hand.  As I have struggled through my own mortal battles, recently, the thought came to me, "You must repent in order to more fully forgive."  I've come to know this is true.  Elder Anderson said in his talk that for some repentance is a one time thing, but for most (and that is most circumstances throughout our life) repentance is a journey.  So is forgiveness.  I know the Lord is merciful, and that he just wants us to try the best we can.  As we turn to the Savior and apply the Atonement in our lives, we will find the way.  He will make us able.  He will make up the difference.

Forgiveness is for us.  It brings us healing.  It brings us peace.  It brings the Spirit more fully in our lives.  It brings love and happiness and helps us enjoy life at it's fullness.

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