Be not afraid, only believe. Matthew 5:36

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Be Strong in Faith & Hope. Wait.

Live. Pray. Wait.

In a Women's Conference (2006) talk by Wayne Brickley (page 91 in the book) he said,
"In some ways, we can actually become better acquainted with [the Lord] while in this world than we could when we lived with Him.  This business of becoming acquainted with Him is life's main business and is very time consuming.  And it is this business that helps us understand why we have to wait for answers to our prayers.  When His answers seem to be getting further away, it is actually getting closer.  The longer we wait, the more ready we are for the best possible answer.  And the more ready we are, the more determined He will be to grant an answer that will surpass our greatest hopes.  Knowing this can keep our hopes bright during the long wait.

'...how great things thou has prepared for him that waiteth for thee.' D&C 133:45

"There would be no great story without afflictions, and hardship, and overcoming.
And, "God waits.  He waits for us to catch up.  ...[He knew it would] take time to absorb, to get used to things, to grow, to try and try again--that's our job.
"Keep before yourself a bright, day-by-day, unwavering hope in the future life...it will make the long wait go by more smoothly and sweet.
"Maybe there is no other way to learn except by having to wait between the time that we feel a great need and the time that it is met.
Keep praying.  Keep waiting.  He hears every sincere word...remembers every sincere prayer...He will pour out blessings such as our eyes have not yet seen...too wondrous to have entered into our little imaginations.  It will be so for those who live, and pray, and wait -- faithfully.

Margaret Lifferth's WC 2006 talk (pg 115) continues with the same message,
"When you think your prayers are not being answered, I want you to remember that the Lord knows the desires of your heart.  Sometimes we receive what we desire most only as we are 'long-suffering and patient in affliction.'  The Lord will refine us.
"...peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment; and then if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high; thou shalt triumph over all thy foes."  D&C 121:7-8

Joseph Smith said, "All your losses will be made up to you in the resurrection provided you continue faithful.  By the vision of the Almighty I have seen it."
This quote is in Lloyd D. Newell's book "Let Him Ask of God" page 313.  Brother Newell continues with his thoughts:
"How reassuring to know if we stand strong in faith and hope, all these hardships and heartbreaks will be made up to us - we will be recompensed and restored, healed and succored, in the glorious resurrection.  We must reach out to God.  Thank Him in every moment that He loves us enough to permit us to undergo tutorial suffering.  Open our hearts in humility and trust and patience.  Follow His word, be obedient, and keep the commandments.  Understand that in a coming day of peace and rest and joy, all heartache will be healed and all pain will dissolve.

"Shall we not go on in so great a cause?  Go forward...courage!...and on, on to the victory!  Let your hearts rejoice and be exceedingly glad."  D&C 128:22

"Let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for His arm to be revealed." D&C 123:17

Trust the purposes of God, be patient, hope on, and wait.

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