Be not afraid, only believe. Matthew 5:36

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Unlocking The POWER of Faith!

Though I have neglected this blog for a while, I have not neglected the pursuit of study on the basic context of this blog, which is to Believe in Yourself, and of the power of thoughts in our life and how they affect our feelings and our actions.

The book "The Secret" was but a small introduction to a powerful new way of living for me.  While that book opened my eyes in a different way to the precepts of the gospel of Jesus Christ and how it can empower your life by living by His teachings, I had yet to read one of the best books ever to give me the principles and concepts to help me live in the POSITIVE realm of this life.  And this book was written by one of my own faith, so everything in the book was pure truth for me.

The book is entitled "Unlocking the Powers of Faith" by Garth Allred.  First printing was in 1993 so I'm pretty sure it's out of print, but I found a nice used copy--now well used and loved--online last August.

I found out about this book by reading an article by Darla Isackson on Meredian Magazine called "Warning: Both Over and Under Reacting Can Be Dangerous to Your Spiritual Health."  I tried to find the link to the article, but was unable to.  I read this in July 2009.  It came about the time the Lord began to lead me on a spiritual journey of healing....healing both physically, mentally, and emotionally.  Today I am still on that journey and learning a lot every day as I continue to study and search and ponder on it.

I was surprised to find just how much this article described me.  I was surprised to learn that I was pretty good at both ends of the over-reacting and under-reacting.  The Lord's mission has been to help me learn to find the balance between these two things in my life.

Jesus Christ is so merciful.  He can find us even in the darkest dungeon of despair and self-pity, and if we let Him, He will lift us out of it and into His light.  His light is filled with truth.  That dark place is full of Satan's lies and deceits.  Why is it so much easier to live on the negative side of life with all it's lies than in the marvelous light of truth?  I guess because we are mortal.

Even though it took over a year later, I did not forget the book that was referenced in that article, and in August of 2010 I had the strongest impressions ever that I needed to get a copy of that book.  I spent about 4 months reading the book and studying it and writing down those statments in the book that most applied to me.  Now I try to read daily from those things that I wrote and I continue to need those words and to live by those words.  While I have made huge strides in positivity, I am not without stumbling or times of regression.

The preface to this book says, in part:
You will learn to develop faith in Jesus Christ to be healed from pain, loneliness, confusion and sorrow--whether emotional, spiritual, or physical--the important healing truths that can strengthen your faith and help you tap your own deep reservoirs of power which will empower you with greater peace and freedom from pain.

And this scripture:
"Behold, I, Nephi, will show unto you that the tender mercies of the Lord are over all those whom He hath chosen, because of their faith, to make them mighty even unto the power of deliverance."
1 Nephi 1:20

Then Brother Allred says:
This book is my gift to you to help you stop hurting and start healing and begin experiencing the power that comes through healing faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and in your own divine nature....You are much more powerful than you have dreamed.  You have a divine nature about you that is wonderful, marvelous, and Godlike.  You have the power within you, when properly directed, to reach out and tap the wonderful healing powers of the heavens.  May the Lord bless you in this challenging and rewarding quest.

Can you see the light of truth in his words?  Is this not what God our Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ want us to know...to believe?  That light, that truth is Christ's light and truth.

"I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life."  John 8:12

The light of L.I.F.E.

L ight

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"Come, follow me" to eternal life.
Luke 18:22

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