Be not afraid, only believe. Matthew 5:36

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Got Time?!


The ever elusive time.

It used to be it just went faster when you were older, but today, time is going fast for everyone.  I consistently hear people comment on how fast time is going, and about 10 years or so ago, it just wasn't that way.  Some things used to take f.o.r.e.v.e.r!  Hardly any more.

I think what I learned about time in the book "The Secret" was some of the most valuable for me.  It has made a big difference for me in the way I am managing my stress levels, by thinking about time from a completely different perspective.  For instance...

Time is just an illusion.

If you really think about that, and know the scriptures, it's true. Time is only "measured" on earth.  Alma teaches us this in the Book of Mormon, "...all is as one day with God, and time only is measured unto men...and God knoweth all the times which are appointed unto man." (Alma 40:8, 10)  Alma also taught that time was appointed to us that we may improve upon it while we are here on earth:  "If we do not improve our time while in this life...that same spirit which doth possess our bodies will have power to possess our body in the eternal world."  (Alma 34:33,34)  So God had a reason for granting us the "illusion of time."  He wanted us to be aware of it and use it well.

Albert Einstein was the man that said time is just an illusion.  Quantum physicists tell us that everything is happening simultaneously.  So, if there is no time, then everything we want in the future already exists.  They say there is no time for the Universe and no size for the Universe.  The Universe does everything with zero effort.

We know that God knows the beginning from the end, and the obvious reason He can do this is because time is as one to Him, it's non-existant.  That is how we can get revelation.  That is how God knows what is best for us.  God has given us a mission to fulfill, knowing full well our potential and what we would do.  With that, God has given us all the "time" we need to fulfill our purpose, and to do the work He has given us to do.  The very purpose for which He created us.  So, basically, we already are, right now, what God needs us to be.  He just sent us here so WE could have the experience.

"The Secret" says that people think they don't have enough time and they complain and "chase time," like chasing your tail.  You get nowhere fast.  It says we should declare emphatically "I have more than enough time." and in doing that, change your life.  Turn every life situation into a positive one.  Because if you are stressing about time, you are on a negative frequency.  Even waiting...in line or in traffic, can be used to create your life with your thoughts.  I think there could be many creative ways to use "waiting" so it is put to good use, and keeps you on a positive frequency.

I have been using that phrase a lot in the past several weeks, "I have more than enough time," and this has really worked for me!  I've always put way too much pressure on myself to "get things done" within a certain time frame.  I've gone to bed frustrated many a time because I felt like I didn't "get it all done" that day.  I've even ruined special days or holidays because I got so stressed out.  [in fact, that is how I ruined my health, with so much stressing over getting things done]  But, now, whenever I feel that feeling coming up in me, I just say, I have all the time I need.  And I slow down.  I've realized, what's the point of rushing through every job with thoughts of the next job on my mind, never enjoying many moments of each job as I go along.  I also learned this summer, that you can relieve stress and have better mind management if you concentrate specifically on the thing you are doing at the moment.  For example, if you are eating, think about eating and the food.  "The Secret" details how healthy this is for your body, and I have read that in other articles.  Eat slowly.  Savor every bite.  Your body will recognize the satisfaction you get from doing this and it will not feel as hungry.  If you are so busy thinking other thoughts, do you really taste the food?  I've experimented with this and you really do taste a lot better if you are concentrating on tasting.  Focusing on one thing at a time makes life just plain more enjoyable.  It truly does take the stress out of life and puts you on a good feeling positive energy level. 

Another thing that I have thought about is how so many things in life start to blend together.  For instance, all of my Christmas' now seem to blend together into one.  All the memories are blended.  Without keeping track in a journal I would probably never remember which Christmas we did what...though most of the things we do are traditional.  So, there is a sameness.  It's as though all Christmas' were one moment.  It certainly rolls around fast enough to be as one moment!  lol!

LOA also says that this is the best time ever to be alive in history.  It's the first time we've ever had the power to gain knowledge at our fingertips.  We truly are blessed.  Not only has technology given us more opportunities to learn, but all our modern conveniences "buy" us more time to learn...unless of course we waste that time, which does happen.  We are so lucky to live in a time when pretty much everyone can read and write and go to school.  It wasn't always that way, and isn't that way for some in other countries.  Hopefully we will always be thankful for the ability and availability to learn.

As members of the church we know we live in the dispensation of the fullness of times.  And our leaders have told us many times that it is a marvelous time to be alive.  Our day has been looked forward to for centuries!  In spite of all the uncertainties, we should rejoice in the many blessings, opportunities, and privileges that are ours and not take them for granted.

It's been amazing to me how many of the other resources I am currently reading, or re-reading, that have enforced the truths I am learning.  I have quoted a lot from Jaroldeen Edwards book, "Celebrate!" and she had a lot to say about time.  She said, "When we multiply tiny pieces of time with small increments of daily effort, we too will find we can accomplish magnificent things.  We can change the world."  (I would add, especially our world.)  Jaroldeen is most famous for her story about the daffodils.  Her daughter took her to visit a place that was 5 acres of planted daffodils and other spring bulbs, and Jaroldeen said it took her breath away.  She could not believe it!  The lady who lived in the house on the property had, over about 30 years, planted each bulb, one bulb at a time.  By those small acts she had, over the course of her life, created and accomplished something magnificent.  Something that so many others for years and years to come would enjoy.

Jaroldeen learned that "five minutes a day" can add up to great things.  She said she would write on a book she was writing whenever she could snatch 5 or so minutes at a time in between her busy life.  She said, "In the celebration of life, magnificent things are accomplished with small, consistent, daily acts that build through time into all the great achievments that change our lives.  Enjoy the process of achieving as much as the accomplishment."  She also added, "It is pointless to think of the lost hours of yesterday.  Start today!  Celebrate!"  I love it.

"One always has time enough, if one will apply it well."  -Goethe

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