Be not afraid, only believe. Matthew 5:36

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Affirm Your Present As Part of Eternity

I can fall into a slump so easy.  Positive thinking does not come easy for me.  I am constantly having to remind myself to re-evaluate the way I am thinking.  I am so grateful for the notes I took from reading Garth Allred's book, "Unlocking the Powers of Faith."  I try to read a page or two each day during my scripture study time, and I keep discovering treasures of great knowledge.  This is the one for today:

Focus on positive things and avoid dwelling on problems.  Squeeze the most enjoyment out of every moment of life - affirming the present as part of eternity...no matter the current circumstances.

I also read: when problems arise, remember, it's not the event, but the thoughts about it that matter.  Put your thoughts to the Savior.  Suffering is only necessary for growth.  Even Christ learned by the things which He suffered.  (Hebrews 5:8)  And why?  So He could help us.  In turn, we can help others.

When your HOPE is strong you feel good about yourself and relate with others in a Christlike manner.

Remember: you act according to how you feel.

Oh, believe in yourself.  Believe!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

And the Winner is....

There is so much emphasis on winning with sports and reality TV shows and etc.  But being "the" winner is not part of our Heavenly Father's plan for us.  He sent us here to learn and to help each other along the way.

I love these two thoughts from Garth Allred's book "Unlocking The Power of Faith."  He said,

"Winning is the loneliest place in existence."   And,
"Everyone wins who helps one another."

Why not cooperate instead of competing?  Coming unto Christ involves giving if we want to receive, and listening if we want to be heard.

Brother Allred also said,  "Whatever a man sets his heart and his trust on the most is his god.  The antedote is:  sharing, giving, extending ourselves to others.  The lie is: there isn't enough. The truth is: there is enough and to spare.  God will supply all our wants and needs."

The more we give to others, the more that comes back to us.  I reflected in this "giving" in a post in June of 2010.  Since that time I have really learned the blessing of giving more than ever before in my life.  The Lord makes the abundance for us and all we have to do is give it and share it.  It truly is a wonderful thing.